Book of Shadows

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  • Book of Shadows

Book of Shadows

Ohranjenost:   Dobra
Dobro ohranjena knjiga brez oznak besedila. Ovitek je malo obrabljen. Robovi knjige so rahlo potemneli. Na prvi strani je štampiljka knjigarne. Rob nekaj listov je bil malo zvit.


"Wise words from a smart and savvy priestess of the Goddess; the writing is beautiful, the rituals deep and compelling." - Margot Adler, author of Drawing Down the Moon

"This is a fine book filled with depth and wisdom... What a pleasure to encounter Ms. Curott at her divine self doing the good works of the Goddess. Her sense of service and history intermingle and make for an enaging, inspiring read." - Z. Budapest, author of The Holy Book of Women's Mysteries and The Goddess in the Bedroom

"This triumphant book teaches us not to fear the Shadow in ourselves but to accept and understand it, and that only be doing so can we become healed and whole... A moving, honorable tale of beauty and splendor." - Patricia Kennealy Morrison, author, priestess, wife of Jim Morrison

"Through sharing her insights as an initiate of modern Witchcraft, Phyllis Curott has succeeded in putting together a book that is both entertaining and informative - a recommended read for any aspiring witch, with a feminist viewpoint." - Janet Farrar, High Priestess and co-author of The Witches' Goddess

Izdelka ni več na zalogi
Avtor Phyllis Curott
Jezik Angleški
Letnik 1998
Podnaslov A modern women's journey into the wisdom of witchcraft and the magic of the goddess
Št. strani 302
Vezava Trda
Založba Broadway Books